Jackson Dominates Knights 77-42
For more than the last three decades, the Knights and the Jackson Indians have been rather evenly matched -- in volleyball, golf, and tennis. In wrestling, the Knights have won three state championships and have performed well against their southeast Missouri foe. But not so in both football and basketball. Of course, Jackson is a Class 5 high school while Farmington is Class four in sports competition. So, on the Farmington football turf September 15, history was true to form as the Indians racked up a lopsided 77-42 score as time on the clock expired. Still, it is our humble opinion that the Knights played better than the score indicated. Indeed, the home team was the first to put points on the scoreboard. And the Knights accounted for two of the first three tocch downs. In addition, the home team's passing game was impressive with quarterback Nathaniel Link going to the air in some of the Knights best plays.