New Gym Nears Completion
The last leg of the $28 million bond issue-- passed two years ago for new buildings and other projects for the Farmington School District-- will be nearly complete sometime in mid-December when the handsome new field house is opened for the first basketball game of the season -- tentatively scheduled for December 21 with the FHS girls basketball team hosting the Sullivan High girls team. Key features of the new facility, recently officialy named the "Black Knight Fieldhouse," shown in our photo essay, include the impressive main gym floor which is made of maple wood. Also noteworthy will be the large bleacher seating area, which can be collapsed to provide ample space for batting practice for the baseball team as well as for other uses when needed. School officials have said that the gym can accommodate up to 2,000 people with 900 at the floor level, 400 more around the indoor track, and 700 in the mezzanine level. Other features include a new weight room and batting cages. Adjacent to the gym is a Farmington School District Hall of Fame (to be dedicated on December 11 at 2 p.m.). Also in the mix is another large general purpose room above the entrance way which will be used as a practice area for the cheerleaders – plus other purposes when needed. Moreover, fans of FHS basketball and volleyball games are sure to welcome the expanded seating areas—a feature sorely lacking for years with the old gym. Fans are also sure to appreciate the new parking area in front of the gym, which will be augmented by additional parking just across the street at the Centene Center.