Mid-November Surprise: Flowers Still in Bloom
November 17 -- To say that we have had mild weather so far this Fall is something of an understatement. Fact is, as we head into the second half of November, temperatures through mid-month have often climbed above the 70-degree mark. Indeed, the forecast for today is a high of 80 degrees in the Farmington area. Many local residents have yet to turn on their furnaces. But that should change shortly, as some weather reports for the weekend call for the possibility of snow flurries. As they say, “ Welcome to Missouri!”
In addition to saving money on winter fuel bills, there has been another nice benefit of warm weather here. Some residents are still harvesting the last of the vegetables from their summer gardens. Bicyclists have been out in full force, and at coffee shops around the city customers have had something different to talk about: how the warm temperatures are ignoring the calendar.
And too, there has been another colorful benefit of this unseasonable warm weather: flowers are still in bloom all over town. Several days ago your enterprising cub reporter at the Post-Note Dispatch decided to walk around the Funeral Home neighborhood with a camera equipped with a close-up lens to record the wide-array of flower colors still to be seen before the winter weather closes in on this wonderful gift of Mother Nature.
In our photo essay, you will see many of the flowers that so far have weathered the colder temperatures. Some of these blooms are no larger than the size of a dime coin. Yet when they come under the gaze of the micro lens, they proudly display their true colors. Some of these flower blooms are found hidden in grass that surrounds area buildings. These tiny blooms attest to the fact that “good things can come in small sizes.”
In addition to saving money on winter fuel bills, there has been another nice benefit of warm weather here. Some residents are still harvesting the last of the vegetables from their summer gardens. Bicyclists have been out in full force, and at coffee shops around the city customers have had something different to talk about: how the warm temperatures are ignoring the calendar.
And too, there has been another colorful benefit of this unseasonable warm weather: flowers are still in bloom all over town. Several days ago your enterprising cub reporter at the Post-Note Dispatch decided to walk around the Funeral Home neighborhood with a camera equipped with a close-up lens to record the wide-array of flower colors still to be seen before the winter weather closes in on this wonderful gift of Mother Nature.
In our photo essay, you will see many of the flowers that so far have weathered the colder temperatures. Some of these blooms are no larger than the size of a dime coin. Yet when they come under the gaze of the micro lens, they proudly display their true colors. Some of these flower blooms are found hidden in grass that surrounds area buildings. These tiny blooms attest to the fact that “good things can come in small sizes.”